Closet Clearing - Simple Steps To Start Your Organizing Journey The KonMari Way
How does your closet make you feel? At Bear Method Organize, we want your closet to spark joy! After all, you spend time in your closet every day, deciding what clothes to wear. We want your closet to help you feel clear-headed and creative so you can put your best look forward day after day.
In Marie Kondo’s KonMari Tidying Method, she recommends to start your organizing journey with your clothes, as clothing items are typically the easiest to begin honing your decision making skills. Additionally, we live in our clothes! So organizing your closet first can have a major impact on your motivation to transform your life. You will quite literally see, feel, and embody the positive change.
Step 1 :: Clear some space on the floor or your bed.
You want to make room for all of the contents of your closet to come out into this area for your review. Sometimes we need both the floor space and the bed space! You can also use contractor bags, bank boxes, clear plastic storage bins, or large cardboard boxes to keep each category contained.
Now you are ready to clear the energy. Try burning something [Palo Santo, sage, incense, your favorite candle or room spray]. It can be helpful to set an intention [I calm my mind to call in clarity; I give thanks and release anything that no longer brings me joy].
We love to play some music - sometimes something upbeat is conducive, sometimes we need focus forward or calming frequencies. Do whatever feels good to you to call in good energy for this closet clearing project!
Step 2 :: Bring out everything - every single item of clothing you own - into your cleared space.
Check hallway closets and laundry to ensure ALL clothing items are accessible. Pile like with like - keep or place things categorized in their respective piles or containers as mentioned in step one.
Step 3 :: Go through each item individually - touch it, feel it, see it, ponder over it.
Does each item bring you joy? If yes, keep it; if no, place it in a new pile for discarding, donating, selling, or repurposing.
Having a hard time deciding? It can be okay to make a “come back to” pile. It can also be helpful to reground yourself with a breath work or meditation exercise. Connecting to your inner-self will help you find clarity to make your decision.
Is the item sentimental but still doesn’t spark joy? We get it, That hat from your first marathon or the t-shirt from your BBF’s bachelorette reminds you of good times, but isn’t something you wear or even want to wear. Take a picture of it and say good riddance. Or, maybe you already have pictures that keep the memories alive.
Your decisions to keep or discard your belongings are entirely up to you. Don’t ever feel guilty for getting rid of something that doesn’t serve you in the best way possible.
Step 4 :: Clean the drawers and shelves.
When everything is out of the closet and armoires and dressers and off the floors and out from under the bed, it is a great opportunity to get it all deep cleaned!
Vacuum, spray, and wipe down every surface in preparation for your treasured clothing items to return to their new designated space.
Step 5 :: Hang, fold and store all your joy-sparking items.
With all your clothing items piled together in their respective categories, you are better able to see how and what can fit where. You can confidently move forward with organizing your beloved clothing items in a way that encourages clarity, creativity and ease when getting dressed each day.
Level up by making your hangers uniform, or sourcing cute baskets for your folded items, add in drawer dividers, or try shoe storage boxes.
Going through this closet clearing process can be a huge help going forward with your life - you might empower yourself to say no to a free handout, or to refuse the urge to impulse buy at a store, or to inspire you to start a new gift-giving tradition of experiences over things with friends and family.
This is the journey to intentional living.
Want more help with deciding what to wear each day? Try styledbyalta.com - a true Cher’s closet application that offers unique outfit combinations based on weather, event and personal style preferences. Styled by Alta is a virtual personal stylist, powered by AI.
Bear Method Organize provides in-person declutter + tidy sessions for Los Angeles, California; Orange County, California; Malibu, California; Denver Metro, Colorado and all of the United States. We are available to travel to you. We offer virtual declutter + tidy sessions worldwide.
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