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Article: The One Where You Learn How To Prep For an In-Person Session

The One Where You Learn How To Prep For an In-Person Session

The One Where You Learn How To Prep For an In-Person Session

  1. Buy contractor bags, Ikea bags, bankers boxes, large plastic bins or collect large boxes that can be used for pre-sorting, sorting, and post-session discarding
  2. If Clothing is a category we will be working on, please do all the laundry [no need to put away, however]
  3. Clear large floor, bed or table area [ideally nearby] for working space
    1. BONUS :: gather all of your clothing or session-specific items in one place
    2. BONUS :: Gather any possible organizing tools you may have on hand - saved boxes, bags or cardboard cutouts, any organizing items you may have purchased for the project]
  4. Set aside any unmentionables in a private area
  5. Eat a large breakfast
  6. Reduce any potential distractions
  7. Please let me know of any parking or street sweeping details
  8. Fill up your water bottle, tea or coffee mug, and have some snacks on hand
  9. Light your candle, incense, palo Santo or start your essential oil diffuser and put on some soft music
  10. Don’t feel obligated to clean up or pre-tidy your space for my arrival



Side Note :: do NOT stress if you don’t complete any of these before our session - we can do any and all together!! Doing some or all of these on your own, prior to our session can save you time and money, but is certainly not a requirement. The amount of preparation and homework you are able and willing to commit to is entirely up to YOU. I am here for you, with you. These are merely suggestions to help you get the most out of your investment to transform your life.



Bear Method Organize provides in-person declutter + tidy sessions for Los Angeles, California; Orange County, California; Malibu, California; Denver Metro, Colorado and all of the United States. We are available to travel to you. We offer virtual declutter + tidy sessions worldwide.

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